Qualitätsmanagement in der Kriminalprävention

„It is better to prevent crimes than to punish them.“

Cesare Bonesana Marcese Beccaria… born in Milan on the 15 May 1738 ; died in november 1794

...wrote his paper „Dei delitti e delle pene“. His work “About Crime and Punishment” is thought of as the most important document in western culture in the history of criminal law.

…criticised the inhuman legal system and juridical system) of his time (interrogation, torture, and the gallows), and pleaded for a return to Middle-Age practices.

…spoke for a futuristic criminal policy, that revolved around the following principals:
  • The rapid settlement of the punishment process
  • Innocent until proves guilty in favour of the reverse
  • The abolition of the punishments aiming for retribution
  • The abolition of the brutal punishments (e.g. the death penalty)
Beccaria, who formed the criminology debate of the enlightenment, is considered to be a pioneer of Criminology. His reflections on the reform of the criminal law system influenced Europe, Asia and America.

In memory of Beccaria, the New Criminological Society (NKG) has awarded the Beccaria-Medal since 1964.